4 Ways to Personalize Your Nutrition Protein Supplement

Have you ever heard that you can customize nutrition protein supplements? You can customize your Optimum Nutrition protein powder to suit your lifestyle and fitness goals. These are the best ways to personalize your protein supplement. Stack It for Maximum Results Stacking powders is the process of stacking two or more supplement powders to form a custom blend. The possibilities are endless; you can blend protein powder with BCAA, HMB, Carbohydrates, Creatine, or Beta-alanine. Or make mixed proteins with other quality proteins, including plant-based Soy Protein and slow-digesting Casein. How you stack your nutrition supplement depends on the time of day or activity level. Try various combinations to see what works best for you during your workout. Mix It You tend to mix protein supplements into water-based shakes since they’re designed to be delicious this way. You can add protein powder to other hot or carbonated liquids for different flavours. Use caution when mixing protein s...